Running Into the Fog with Kathy Henrich

Kathy Henrich understands the role the tech industry plays better than most people. After spending 30 years working at IBM, Kathy realized there was a bigger problem that needed to be addressed: talent development. She ultimately decided to take a leave of absence to attain a master’s degree in workforce and talent development. Today, Kathy sits as CEO of MKE Tech Hub Coalition where she works to create inclusive opportunities in the tech industry for young people in the Milwaukee area. 

Even though the tech industry makes up almost 10% of Wisconsin’s economy, there is a lack of talented employees. According to Kathy, the best way to recruit talent is to nurture it from a young age. This is why it would benefit all schools to incorporate computer science into their curriculum. Kathy explains that encouraging kids of diverse backgrounds to embrace the value of technology opens pathways to employment that can positively impact not only the individual but the industry as a whole. 

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